UBE is a University hosting more than 40,000 students on several sites scattered across Burgundy. QuanTEEM students are welcome on the beautiful Montmuzard campus in Dijon.


RPTU emerged on January 1, 2023 as a merger of the TU Kaiserslautern and the University in Landau. With over 20,000 students and 160 degree programmes, RPTU is a place of top international research and an academic talent factory.



Second biggest University in Denmark with 38 000 students, home to over thirty internationally recognised research centres, AU is regularly ranked among the top 100 world’s best universities, and as one of the most beautiful universities in Europe.

The consortium of the Erasmus Mundus Master QuanTEEM is composed of 3 full partner Universities and 21 associated partners. Most of our associated partners are non-academic institution of various size, from start-ups to large industries.

Our associated partners can contribute in various ways to the QuanTEEM master’s program: proposing internships/Msc thesis,contributing to selected teaching modules,contributing to our seasonal schools,proposing visites of their industrial sites, …

Click here for more information on QuanTEEM full partner Universities.

Click here for the full list of QuanTEEM associated partners.