The second Summer School of the Erasmus Mundus Master QuanTEEM was held in Aarhus on 29-30 August 2024.

This event was a great moment because it marked the end of the first edition of the QuanTEEM master’s programme. In addition, it was the first time that the first and second cohorts of students could meet.
The event was focused on the defense of the master’s thesis of the students of the first cohort:
- Louisa Marie Kienesberger
Digital Micromirror Device for the creation of arbitrary optical potentials in an ultracold quantum gas of Lithium-6
- Mirza Akbar Ali
A phase contrast imaging setup for Ultra cold quantum gases
- Emre Aslan
Frequency Noise Measurements of Narrow-Linewidth Lasers Using the Self-Homodyne Coherent Receiver Method
- Areg Avtandilyan
Nanoscale study of superconducting properties of alloying thin films
- Bennet Benny
High resolution Absorption Imaging system for Ultracold Li Atoms
- Maria Paula Montes Bejarano
Narrow linewidth dual-wavelength laser using external optical feedback
- Juan Pablo Marulanda Serna
Optimal Doppler cooling of a three-level ion in a cascade scheme
- Hani Naim
Light Transmitted or Scattered by a Cloud of Cold Atoms

In addition, we had the pleasure to host two scientific presentations by local physics professors who gave inspiring presentations of their research activities, Jill Miwa who leads the Quantum Materials Group and Simon Wall who studies the dynamics of excited Quantum Materials on the femtosecond time scale.
The Summer School concluded with a fantastic lab tour during which we had the pleasure to visit, among other facilities of the Physics Department of Aarhus University, the ASTRID2 synchrotron.